5 Reasons Synthwave Music Is Your Ultimate Retro Escape

5 Reasons Synthwave Music Is Your Ultimate Retro Escape

Here at RetroRelevance.com, we relive the magic of the 80s and 90s, finding both solace and inspiration in their timeless appeal. Today we’re taking another journey back to the 80s, but this time we’re traveling in the vehicle known as Synthwave music. What is Synthwave Music? Synthwave is the auditory essence of a decade drenched … Read more

Black Innovators from the 80s and 90s Who Shaped Our World

Black Innovators from the 80s & 90s Who Shaped Our World

In the transformative years of the 80s and 90s, a period marked by rapid technological advances and cultural shifts, a number of Black artists, scientists, and leaders emerged within their respective fields. Today we’d like to celebrate five Black innovators from the 80s and 90s who’ve shaped our modern world. Their retro contributions continue to … Read more

Beyond Labels: Def Leppard Drummer Rick Allen

Beyond Labels: Def Leppard Drummer Rick Allen

Do you know who Rick Allen is? Do you like Def Leppard? Isn’t that the band with the one-armed drummer? When we think of Def Leppard, images of colossal live shows, anthemic rock hits, and the thunderous beat of drums immediately come to mind. Known for their leading role in the glam metal scene of … Read more

Remembering & Reimagining Van Halen’s “Right Now” Music Video

Remembering & Reimagining Van Halen's "Right Now" Music Video

The music video for Van Halen’s “Right Now” has been stuck in my mind since it was released in 1992. Do you remember this music video? The core message of the song and its music video is to live for the moment, and not to be afraid of making changes, if that’s what you’ve gotta … Read more

10 Uniquely 80s Pop Culture Icons Who Still Influence Us Today

10 Uniquely 80s Pop Culture Icons Who Still Influence Us Today

10 Uniquely 80s Pop Culture Icons Who Still Influence Us Today The 80s keeps getting further and further away in the rearview mirror. Yet some aspects of that unique era continue to be relevant in our modern world. This Retro Review is all about 10 uniquely 80s pop culture icons who still influence us today. … Read more

Unskinny Bopping Back in Time: Revisiting Glam Metal Music

Glam Metal Revisited

The Glam Metal genre, synonymous with “hair metal,” emerged as a glamorous and energetic force that left an unforgettable mark on the music scene of the late 1980s and early 90s. Glam bands were typically made up of men dressed in skin tight leather and women’s fashions. Band members wore make up and had big … Read more

The Top 10 Raddest Glam Metal Songs

Top 10 Glam Metal Songs

Please enjoy our list of the Top 10 Glam Metal Songs based solely on the personal bias of Craig Retro, who like many of you, tried to grow up in the 80s but in truth is still stuck there. Our list of the 10 Raddest Hair Metal Songs aims to take you on a journey … Read more

The Totally Unobjective Top 10 Best Hair Metal Bands

Top 10 Best Hair Metal Bands

Let the controversies begin. What follows is our list of the Top 10 Best Hair Metal Bands. No science or math was involved in the selection of this list. Just pure nostalgia. Stay rad y’all. 1. Motley Crue These guys are my number one just based on the sheer number of songs that make my … Read more

Compact Discs (CDs): The Sonic Evolution of the Digital Revolution

Compact Discs (CDs): The Sonic Evolution of the Digital Revolution

A Digital Star is Born (and Spun) The reign of compact discs (CDs) in the audio landscape marked a pivotal moment in the transition from analog to digital. As the 80s gave way to the 90s, CDs emerged as the sleek, modern alternative to the once-dominant cassette tapes and vinyl records. Although the concept of … Read more

Cassette Tapes: Unravelling the Sonic Tapestry of the 80s and 90s

Cassette Tapes: Unravelling the Sonic Tapestry of the 80s and 90s

Introduction to the Cassette Tape Era The cassette tape era dominated most of the 1980’s and into the 90’s as the most popular audio storage format. Although the version of this compact magnetic reel-to-reel tape enclosed in a plastic casing (cassette) was first released by the Dutch company Phillips in 1963, it was during the … Read more