Black Innovators from the 80s and 90s Who Shaped Our World

Black Innovators from the 80s & 90s Who Shaped Our World

In the transformative years of the 80s and 90s, a period marked by rapid technological advances and cultural shifts, a number of Black artists, scientists, and leaders emerged within their respective fields. Today we’d like to celebrate five Black innovators from the 80s and 90s who’ve shaped our modern world. Their retro contributions continue to … Read more

10 Unsolved Mysteries from the 80s and 90s – Still Unresolved

The “Unsolved Mysteries” TV series is well-known for its eerie, disturbing and downright terrifying subject matter. The show is often remembered as a pop culture phenomenon that inspired nightmares and scared the heck out of young (and old) audiences. A show with the creepiest theme music any of us had ever heard. However pervasive its … Read more

Retro Revival: How 90s Fashion Trends are Dominating 2024 Style

Reviewing Some of Essential 90s Fashion Trends Re-emerging in 2024 - featured image

The 1990s, a decade of bold fashion statements and iconic trends, is experiencing a remarkable revival in 2024. Today we review some essential 90s fashion trends to uncover their origins, note their evolutions, and discuss their modern interpretations in today’s fashion landscape. Grunge Fashion Origins and Popularity: Grunge fashion, a style that screamed “I woke … Read more

Beyond Labels: Def Leppard Drummer Rick Allen

Beyond Labels: Def Leppard Drummer Rick Allen

Do you know who Rick Allen is? Do you like Def Leppard? Isn’t that the band with the one-armed drummer? When we think of Def Leppard, images of colossal live shows, anthemic rock hits, and the thunderous beat of drums immediately come to mind. Known for their leading role in the glam metal scene of … Read more

Remembering & Reimagining Van Halen’s “Right Now” Music Video

Remembering & Reimagining Van Halen's "Right Now" Music Video

The music video for Van Halen’s “Right Now” has been stuck in my mind since it was released in 1992. Do you remember this music video? The core message of the song and its music video is to live for the moment, and not to be afraid of making changes, if that’s what you’ve gotta … Read more

10 Uniquely 80s Pop Culture Icons Who Still Influence Us Today

10 Uniquely 80s Pop Culture Icons Who Still Influence Us Today

10 Uniquely 80s Pop Culture Icons Who Still Influence Us Today The 80s keeps getting further and further away in the rearview mirror. Yet some aspects of that unique era continue to be relevant in our modern world. This Retro Review is all about 10 uniquely 80s pop culture icons who still influence us today. … Read more

80s Horror Movies: Be Afraid, Be 80s Afraid

80s Horror Movies: Be Afraid, Be 80s Afraid

My first experiences with scary movies were with 80s horror movies. Growing up in the 80s, I was too young to see most of them in theatre, but I can remember seeing trailers for them. The trailers peaked my curiosity and the horror genre seemed like it would be exciting as well as scary, Because … Read more

Denim Delight: Exploring the Iconic Appeal of Acid-Washed Jeans

Denim Delight: Exploring the Iconic Appeal of Acid-Washed Jeans

For today’s Retro Review, let’s take a nostalgic journey down a denim-clad memory lane as we explore the acid-washed jeans fad of the 80s and 90s. The Birth of Acid-Washed Jeans: A Splash of Boldness Acid-washed jeans grew out of an accidental mistake involving the stone-washing process popular in the late 60’s and early 70s. … Read more

He-Man: The 80s TV Show & Toys That Shaped a Generation

He-Man: The 80s TV Show & Toys That Shaped a Generation

Once upon a time in the early 80s, a brawny, sword-swinging hero named He-Man graced our TV screens. Becoming the muscle-bound centrepiece of childhood nostalgia. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane to Eternia, as we explore the enduring legacy (and peculiar quirks), of “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.” He-Man’s emergence as a … Read more

Beyond Body Slams and Neon Spandex: 80s WWF Wrestling

80s WWF Wrestling - Hulk Hogan

The wrestling scene of the 1980s wasn’t just about body slams and grappling; it was a vibrant spectacle that carved its place into the heart of pop culture. As I unravel the neon spandex-covered memories, let’s step into the ring of nostalgia and explore the wild world of 80s WWF Wrestling and its larger-than-life personalities. … Read more