How Rescue 911’s Legacy Lives On and Continues to Save Lives

How Rescue 911's Legacy Lives On and Continues to Saves Lives

What did Viewers of the First Episode of Rescue 911 Experience? Rescue 911’s Opening Crawl On a Tuesday night in mid-April 1989, viewers who tuned into CBS at 8:00pm were met with a sombre opening crawl for a 1-hour TV special called “Rescue 911.” As the plain white text starts to scroll up over a … Read more

10 Unsolved Mysteries from the 80s and 90s – Still Unresolved

The “Unsolved Mysteries” TV series is well-known for its eerie, disturbing and downright terrifying subject matter. The show is often remembered as a pop culture phenomenon that inspired nightmares and scared the heck out of young (and old) audiences. A show with the creepiest theme music any of us had ever heard. However pervasive its … Read more